The slippery slope of community schools.


The slippery slope of community schools. Community schools may work in disadvantaged neighborhoods, but those in rural and suburban and even some urban areas find them to be quite the governmental overreach, much like common core. The community school, by definition, provides social services, medical services, and even meals and supplies on site. Because it presupposes the student body is at risk, the hours the schools are open are longer, and more is offered. But what of the students who are not in need, but happen to attend these schools based on their zip code? The below article brings community intervention to all new heights. While the minority may benefit, the rest of the state tends to follow.

This highlights much of the concerns with community schools under the common core Agenda.

A large piece of the community school puzzle, is the addition of medical and social/psychological clinics on site. In a different environment and educational climate, this could be beneficial. But under the common core and fed and corporate ed agenda, community schools are another intrusive way for the feds to oversee child rearing. What are your thoughts on community schools, schools as a social center hub? In the 70’s this may have been a terrific way to assist communities in need. Today under fed led Ed, it is a government overreaching data mining nightmare. Parents have genuine worries. None have been properly addressed.

Social centers combined with schools are a tricky combination, indeed. This changes the entire definition of a school as a learning institution. It encourages much government intrusion into the home and family.

On site medical care is a major concern as well. Under a community school model, parents are not physically present for medical exams or treatment protocols. The chance of mistakes in medical treatment in varying ways is great for that reason alone. Already in certain schools, children have been given vaccinations on site without parental consent. What if one resulted in a fatal reaction? Other concerns are many. Who are these doctors? Who is hiring, and checking the credentials of the medical staff? What is the support staff ratio? The margin for error in a busy school with questionable medical personnel is quite concerning.

Many parents fear that doctor visits on site could encourage other parents to send children to school sick, and they will likely remain there for the day or week to expose others, even the immune compromised. Sick children need rest, and to be home, if possible. While the convenience of a doctor available at a school would be appreciated, the misuse of such a resource is very likely.

Will we allow this merge of social services on site when so much is being pushed into this take over of education, where the big government feels it knows best for families? This brings a whole new level of confidential information to student and family data mining. All medical and psychological files will be at the schools disposal. We also do not know what parents will and will not be informed of, or if they will be asked for consent. What about surveys and children tested or questioned without out parental representation? How would this effect business continuity of care with local family physicians? What would the communication be between the child’s doctor and the school staff? What kind if any medication would be dispensed? Will HIPPA be compromised? As usual, these issues go unresolved. What are the security protocols? This is a must read:

What could be wrong with a “community school” model?

No one would deny help to the neediest children. However, there has to be a way to help them without hurting the others who do not request these interventions. The majority, the “traditional” families who value their privacy, should not have to surrender it, if this were well thought out. The same issue is a major point with Arne Duncan’s ever unpopular “extended learning”. It is a one size fits all solution to a problem that needs many different cures. Arne Duncan does not seem to understand us at all. Common core test scores aside, there are many children who would not benefit from longer days, and many parents who absolutely want their children to have family time, extra curricular activities, and do not need forced daycare from the Feds. Yet, like all the other USDOE poorly planned programs, there is no opt out option. If your school gets awarded money for extended learning, ALL CHILDREN IN SCHOOL MUST ATTEND FOR EIGHT PLUS HOUR DAYS. Even those who would gladly refuse it. Even six year olds. Even children with special needs. Why can the USDOE under Duncan never seem to get this right?

To be considered a ELT school you should have at least 7 hrs of school per day, and if at least 30 more min then the surrounding schools in the area. The school day could change from 6 hours to 8 or even 9 hrs per day. This will be encouraged in community schools.

Remember, much of this is Gate$ funded. Have we not learned where that path takes us? Non educators, non social workers, non medical, professionals are making these decisions and choices for our kids. Again. The plan is always to mandate, “for our own good”. We need to ask, who says? Who was given a choice? Please, USDOE, stop assuming none of us do our due diligence. This isn’t about free services, free daycare, free help, when there is a price to pay. As the saying goes; fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Community schools. Parents want a discussion, not the choice made for them. This is way too much of a nanny state for those who do not need this intervention. Most parents do not want schools open day and night and providing a social center, as this crossss a privacy and rights line, once again, by the government. Those out of urban and financially challenged areas did not ask for this. We say no.

So very many red flags. They’re treating students while sick, then sending them back to class. This is a recipe for mass disease transmission.
You can’t make this stuff up.
This is the United States of Gates educational goals… Not ours.
Politicians pushing for year round school.
Politicians pushing for longer school day to accommodate the rigor of career readiness.
P-20 data tracking.
Allowing corporations to decide how to educate our kids, preparing them for the needs of businesses.
Medical care without parental presence.

Is this acceptable?

A parent shares these thoughts:

“Yes, similar programs worked years ago. I worked in them, and would like to again. However, they INCLUDED parents and the community in on the programs, which were fun, motivating and child centered. Today, such after school programs are strictly academic rigor, then children are expected to do homework at 7-8 PM…in kindergarten. I am not impressed by this, or any medical ‘screenings’, exams, or treatments conducted by medical personnel in a school setting. Most importantly, ELT should be optional. If a parent does not want their child in school until 6 PM, they should have every right not to send them.

My fear (and it is from experience) is that these proposals turn into something that is not in the best interest of the children. Common core was supposed to make schools better for children at poverty, then testing was. What will happen next? Five years ago I would have read about community schools and thought, ‘Awesome!’ Now, I remain very guarded.

They are starving the schools of funds and pushing the teachers out, which is why (imo) they are making it so easy to create an ineffective rating and fail the school.”

If the state is starving the schools of funding and failing to address poverty, they cannot in good conscience say schools are ‘failing’. More time teaching to the test and more Fed led Ed is not the answer. But of course Cuomo wants to be a hero regarding he and his cronies created.

And that is how it works. They create the problem then offer a solution that looks great on paper, but is quite painful in practice.

Another parent writes:

“I am leary of all of this. None of it is a good idea with the people that are in charge. Look at all the problems with common core, the attached testing, data mining and APPR. Parents aren’t respected, teachers aren’t respected. “They” expected us to be pleased with this nightmare, just shoving it down our throats. They are shocked that we fought back and stood up for our kids and refused the tests? Now we are waiting to see what their reaction will be? Longer school days, schools open all year, community schools, cc, it’s all part of the same plan. I’ve read about many studies Gates, Broad, Lumina, and our federal government, etc. have done. They are hitting us from every angle, all in the name of “saving education,” and “failing schools.” All the studies talk about having kids in school from 2 and up, they use the phrase “cradle to career.” Well, who gave them the right to decide how our kids will live out their lives? We didn’t ask for their help. All the studies I have read are insulting, they suggest that children are better off with the school or state than they are with their parents. Not one study mentioned thoughts of the parents, it wasn’t even a consideration. I think we should be very concerned about that. At what point do we say enough? I know all too well how hard it is to make ends meet. We have five children and I chose to stay home, that was always the plan. We do with out A LOT, but that is how I wanted it and I am so glad that I made that decision. I know not everyone can do that, there are single moms and dads out there, all kinds of situations. When do we talk about children spending more time with their parents? Will this be voluntary or mandated? So far the longer school days that have been implemented are mandatory and the ones being discussed would be mandatory.

I have talked to teachers about this and they are not happy about it at all. Their day doesn’t end when they leave school, and they need time with their families as well. When are children going to have time for OTHER things, like music, art, dance, karate, sports, or just reading a book? I talk to many parents who hardly see their children as it is. How about the many families that sacrifice and don’t have two parents working for the sole purpose of being there for their kids? How will this effect them? As for health clinics in schools, no thank you, that is not the same thing as a nurse. When would you send your child to the doctor without you? I read about the possibility of having children vaccinated at schools, NO THANK YOU. The biggest problem with all of this, is how “they” leave parents out of the decision making process. “They” talk about our children like they are a commodity. Why are we not asked what is to be done with OUR children BEFORE things happen? Lately it seem as if everything is a surprise and we are expected to just go with the flow.

These are our kids and many parents have lost trust in the education system with the whole common core fiasco. It seems to me more often than not, decisions are made and then we are expected to jump on board. It’s one thing to have a sports camp after school, like other clubs, kids can voluntarily join. It’s another thing to change school hours (to possibly 14 hrs a day) or the school calendar (all year??) that will affect EVERYONE for the sake of some that need it. I believe children need more time with their parents, not more time at school and if it is a mandatory program, that will open up a host of problems for many people. I’m sure I will get a lot of flack for speaking my mind, but the way things are going, this just doesn’t sound good. Way too many details to work out for me.”

Update: here is the bill to allow medical and vaccine without parental consent. This is the door community schools kIcked open .

Check this out. It’s happening.

And while this piece is a bit radical, it makes some excellent points.

Also see below for general information.

Blog contributions by #stopcommoncore activists working for a fair and appropriate educational experience for the children of New York State, including Rachel Hermann, Lori Tutt.